Real Rice Purity Test – Pure Are You?

Real Rice Purity Test - Pure Are You?

Do you want to test your love purity? then you are in the right place. The Rice Purity Test is a 100-question quiz or survey that uses your life experience and asks personal questions to determine or reveal how “pure” or “innocent” you are according to your answers. It’s crucial to remember that the Rice Purity Test is just taken for fun by teenagers and young adults and is not a scientifically validated assessment. 

How Does Rice Purity Work?

The Rice Purity test contains 100 questions. All the questions relate to your personal life, Relationship, Bad habits, additions, breaking the rules, and Physical relations.

The person needs to answer every question by pressing the Yes or No button in the online purity test related to your life or done with you. The rice purity test score deviates from 0 to 100; each question assigns 1 score, which can be positive or negative.

Instructions Before Starting the Test

Don’t take test results too seriously because is just for fun and entertainment purposes. The test itself is not a scientific or accurate measure of the personality of a person and is not currently conducted by any official organization or institution.

  • First of all, You should click the above questionnaire button.
  • Then the interface of 100 questions will appear in front of you.
  • Next, You should check each box for every item.
  • So one point will be deducted from 100 for each question you have done.
  • When you’ve completed the test tap the button “Calculate”.
  • Now you can see your purity score.

How to Take the Rice Purity Test Unblocked

If you are confused and don’t know how to take the Rice Purity Test then you can simply follow these steps.

  • Open your favorite Browser like Chrome or anything else.
  • Enter the URL ( and press enter
  • On the main page click ‘Next’ to begin the test.
  • Now you will sincerely answer the questions in categorised sections
  • Click ‘Calculate Score’
  • Know your Scores are given in percentage.

Don’t enter any personal info

  • Your real name, 
  • Email address, or
  • Any other personal details

Clear your browser’s cache and history

For extra precaution once you’ve completed the Rice Purity Test then,

  • Clear your browser’s cache, 
  • Cookies, and 
  • Browsing history. 

The Purity Test has historically served as a segue from O-week to true college life at Rice. It's a voluntary opportunity for O-week groups to bond, and for students to track the maturation of their experiences throughout college.

Caution: This is not a bucket list. Completion of all items on this test will likely result in death.

Click on every item you have done. MPS stands for Member of the Preferred Sex.
  1. Held hands romantically?
  2. Been on a date?
  3. Been in a relationship?
  4. Danced without leaving room for Jesus?
  5. Kissed a non-family member?
  6. Kissed a non-family member on the lips?
  7. French kissed?
  8. French kissed in public?
  9. Kissed on the neck?
  10. Kissed horizontally?
  11. Given or received a hickey?
  12. Kissed or been kissed on the breast?
  13. Kissed someone below the belt?
  14. Kissed for more than two hours consecutively?
  15. Played a game involving stripping?
  16. Seen or been seen by another person in a sensual context?
  17. Masturbated?
  18. Masturbated to a picture or video?
  19. Masturbated while someone else was in the room?
  20. Been caught masturbating?
  21. Masturbated with an inanimate object?
  22. Seen or read pornographic material?
  23. Massaged or been massaged sensually?
  24. Gone through the motions of intercourse while fully dressed?
  25. Undressed or been undressed by a MPS (member of the preferred sex)?
  26. Showered with a MPS?
  27. Fondled or had your butt cheeks fondled?
  28. Fondled or had your breasts fondled?
  29. Fondled or had your genitals fondled?
  30. Had or given “blue balls”?
  31. Had an orgasm due to someone else’s manipulation?
  32. Sent a sexually explicit text or instant message?
  33. Sent or received sexually explicit photographs?
  34. Engaged in sexually explicit activity over video chat?
  35. Cheated on a significant other during a relationship?
  36. Purchased contraceptives?
  37. Gave oral sex?
  38. Received oral sex?
  39. Ingested someone else’s genital secretion?
  40. Used a sex toy with a partner?
  41. Spent the night with a MPS?
  42. Been walked in on while engaging in a sexual act?
  43. Kicked a roommate out to commit a sexual act?
  44. Ingested alcohol in a non-religious context?
  45. Played a drinking game?
  46. Been drunk?
  47. Faked sobriety to parents or teachers?
  48. Had severe memory loss due to alcohol?
  49. Used tobacco?
  50. Used marijuana?
  51. Used a drug stronger than marijuana?
  52. Used methamphetamine, crack cocaine, PCP, horse tranquilizers or heroin?
  53. Been sent to the office of a principal, dean or judicial affairs representative for a disciplinary infraction?
  54. Been put on disciplinary probation or suspended?
  55. Urinated in public?
  56. Gone skinny-dipping?
  57. Gone streaking?
  58. Seen a stripper?
  59. Had the police called on you?
  60. Run from the police?
  61. Had the police question you?
  62. Had the police handcuff you?
  63. Been arrested?
  64. Been convicted of a crime?
  65. Been convicted of a felony?
  66. Committed an act of vandalism?
  67. Had sexual intercourse?
  68. Had sexual intercourse three or more times in one night?
  69. ?
  70. Had sexual intercourse 10 or more times?
  71. Had sexual intercourse in four or more positions?
  72. Had sexual intercourse with a stranger or person you met within 24 hours?
  73. Had sexual intercourse in a motor vehicle?
  74. Had sexual intercourse outdoors?
  75. Had sexual intercourse in public?
  76. Had sexual intercourse in a swimming pool or hot tub?
  77. Had sexual intercourse in a bed not belonging to you or your partner?
  78. Had sexual intercourse while you or your partner’s parents were in the same home?
  79. Had sexual intercourse with non-participating third party in the same room?
  80. Joined the mile high club?
  81. Participated in a “booty call” with a partner whom you were not in a relationship with?
  82. Traveled 100 or more miles for the primary purpose of sexual intercourse?
  83. Had sexual intercourse with a partner with a 3 or more year age difference?
  84. Had sexual intercourse with a virgin?
  85. Had sexual intercourse without a condom?
  86. Had a STI test due to reasonable suspicion?
  87. Had a STI?
  88. Had a threesome?
  89. Attended an orgy?
  90. Had two or more distinct acts of sexual intercourse with two or more people within 24 hours?
  91. Had sexual intercourse with five or more partners?
  92. Been photographed or filmed during sexual intercourse by yourself or others?
  93. Had period sex?
  94. Had anal sex?
  95. Had a pregnancy scare?
  96. Impregnated someone or been impregnated?
  97. Paid or been paid for a sexual act?
  98. Committed an act of voyeurism?
  99. Committed an act of incest?
  100. Engaged in bestiality?

Your score:

What is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is a self-graded survey consisting of a hundred questions that originated at Rice University in Houston, Texas( that’s why the name is Rice Purity Test). The Rice Purity test has viral on TikTok millions of people have taken the quiz to find out a general idea of where they stand on the purity scale.

The survey of 100 questions and scenarios related to your dating experience, criminal history, and drug or alcohol consumption. You have to tick off the things you’ve done in your life that determine yourpurity score depending on the number of things you’ve done. 

A high score indicates that the user is innocent or pure and has not had any wild experience in life but a low score means you are less innocent and the more things you’ve done in your life that are mentioned on the list of questions.

Different Sections of the Rice Purity Test

The questions on the Rice Purity Test ask individuals to self-report their actions and experiences. Don’t feel pressured to check off anything you’re uncomfortable with or haven’t done. 

The first section of the test focuses on Sexual Acts:

Ask about any sexual activity you may have engaged in. The purpose of these questions is to have just fun without passing any judgment.

The next part deals with Drug and Alcohol Usage:

Check off what you have tried from hard drugs like cocaine or heroin or enjoying a beer or glass of wine, and do so in a safe legal manner.

Partying and Social Situations:

Ask about your experiences at parties and in other social settings. The purpose of these questions is to assess how adventurous or rebellious you have ever been at some point.

The final section Academic Dishonesty:

Activities like cheating on a test, plagiarizing a school assignment, or hacking into a computer system. Most people may have no experience with these types of activities.

What does the Rice Purity Test Score mean?

The score is between 0 and 100 – the higher the score, the more pure you are where 100 represents the highest level of purity and 0 the lowest.

100 to 98Very few people fall into this band.
You are as pure as gold. 
You have done nothing that goes against the social norms or bonds.
97 to 94You are significantly pure. 
Suitable for the perfect candidate who is not have demoralized values.
93 to 77You are averagely pure. 
Not bother most of the societal values.
You have had a balanced life.
76 to 45Your purity is tainted.
You have spent your life enough liberty
You have had numerous experiences or encounters with the law.
44 to 9Your Purity Score is diminished.
You probably had a lot of experiences in different topics of life.
8 to 0You are as corrupt as they come.
You’ve experienced a majority of the scenarios in the test.
With no fear of rules.

What Does the Rice Purity Test Include?

It includes questionaries on various unexpected stuff like your passionate relationships, dating, rule violations, physical life, etc.

Romantic Relationship:

You might have recognized that college students develop romantic relationships at the outset of their college life. So they evolve less innocently. But, before entering college, they were innocent. This is what the quiz is about. Our Rice Purity test consists of a few questions about your romantic relationship. Some of them are:

  • Lived in a romantic relationship?
  • Have you ever Cheated on a significant other during a relationship?

Rule Violation:

Not all folks are the same. If you have ever been grabbed by police for any purpose, consumed bad stuff, experienced physical bond, the police imprisoned, and things like these will be in your official Rice Purity Test. The motive is to referee a person when it comes to crimes and confronting the police. Some of the questions may be:

  • Caught by the police?
  • Had the police handcuffed you?

Physical Life:

Describe your physical life, and what stuff in a physical bond you have performed so far is the quiz’s basis. This compels you to be honest. You will recognize various concerns like:

  • Watched or browsed material?
  • Ever done a physical bond?

Bad Addiction:

The rice Purity test quiz includes several queries considering how a person is when it gets too bad things. Some medicines are illegal in all regions and nations, so how an individual is organized to do this bad stuff is an aspect of the test. You will encounter queries like:

  • Consumed bad stuff?
  • Sell bad things in life?

Benefits of taking the Rice Purity Test

You can take this Rice Purity Test for many other different reasons based on entertainment and anything else. Some of the advantages of the Rice Purity Test  are listed below:

  • Entertainment and Humor are one of the reasons that most people use it as an entertainment game, often enjoying the odd and unexpected questions.
  • The test can serve as a light-hearted icebreaker or conversation starter among friends that makes you feel comfortable.
  • Some individuals may use the test as an opportunity for self-reflection. This can be a greatly helpful tool if you determine how you have spent your life and how you want to spend your life further.
  • Rice Purity test might be a nostalgic activity that can evoke memories and remind you of the experiences that you have had in your life.
  • As a teacher, parent, or medical professional use the Rice Purity Test as an orientation session to learn more about someone by the scores and the answers they give.
United State56.159.9
United Kingdom5154.6
New Zealand41.440.1


Just remember to have fun with it, Participants should avoid taking the scores too seriously and should not use them as a basis for judging others or themselves because this purity test doesn’t define them.

DISCLAIMER: The Rice Purity Test is not intended for clinical assessments or precise evaluations of your personality. For clinical assessments, it is essential to collaborate with a qualified mental health professional.