Frequently Asked Question

What’s the Rice Purity Test?
  • It’s a quiz with questions about things you might have done in life, like dating or breaking rules. It’s popular among college students.
Why is it called the ‘Rice Purity Test‘?
  • It got its name from Rice University where it started. It’s not about rice, the food!
Is 45 a bad rice purity score?

A score of 45 out of 100 suggests that the person has engaged in a moderate amount of activities or experiences.

Can anyone see my score?

Since you do not need to type in your email, name, or any personal details, we do not collect or share your score with anyone.

What is the Average score of the rice purity test for 14-year-olds?

Mostly teens boys and girls 13 to 20 years old get scores between 85% to 95%, that’s why they are 100% pure and innocent.

How do you take this test?
  • You answer yes or no to a bunch of questions. Each ‘yes’ gives you a point. In the end, your points are added up to give you a score out of 100.
What does a high score mean?
  • A high score (close to 100) means you haven’t done many things on the list. It’s like saying you’re more innocent.
Is a low score a bad thing?
  • Nope! A low score (closer to 0) just means you’ve done more things on the list. Remember, the test is just for fun.
Can I take the test again?
  • Yes, you can take it as many times as you want. It’s interesting to see if your score changes over time.
Who should take this test?
  • It’s mostly for high school seniors and college students. Some questions are about grown-up stuff, so it’s not really for younger kids.
Is this test serious?
  • No, it’s not a serious test. It’s just a fun way to see what kind of experiences you’ve had.
Will others see my test results?
  • If you take it online, your score is just for you. It’s a personal thing and not shared with others.
What do I do with my score?
  • Just think of it as a fun way to look at different things you’ve done. It’s not a judgment about who you are. Everyone’s different, and that’s okay!